The Door to All Wonders affords an accessible sense of the Tao and of the practical and profound value of Te-the cultivation of virtue energy-for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. The Introduction to the book includes a simplified presentation of basic information and concepts relating to the I Ching and the genetic code (DNA). This will benefit readers who are not conversant in these areas and their interrelatedness. This will smooth the way to appreciate the practical significance of textual explanations that often refer to the I Ching. The reason for this presentation is that it has been recognized that the 5000-year-old I Ching ‘world formula’ correlates ‘exactly’ to the structure and dynamics known of the modern genetic code (DNA). This understanding translates in practical terms to our understanding of how and why our practices have powerful benefits at the cellular level of inner alchemy for health and spiritual transformation. Many of the readers who would venture to pick up and take a look at a book such as this have already had a prompting from their inner voice, or at least a strong subtle sense that ‘there must be more.’ The text in the first chapter begins by characterizing the Tao as indefinable, yet tantalizingly ever-present and all-pervading. Soon after, we come to a section titled ‘Inner Voice.’ This section offers a simple meditation process to enable us to connect to our inner voice and to gain a sense of reliability in listening to the inner guidance coming from our Pure-Person inner self. This is an important first step for one to cultivate in the journey of self-mastery and for attaining spiritual independence and the ultimate goal of spiritual immortality. The main text is divided into nine chapters covering about 250 pages. The pages are visually enlivened with the hexagrams and Chinese characters from the I Ching, copious drawings depicting exercises and Taoist concepts, and color illustrations for many of the meditation practices mentioned. The scintillating and knowledgeable commentary provided by Master Tao Huang in reference to Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching is of particular interest. He claims the unique distinction of having received direct inner spiritual initiation from Lao Tzu himself, and he is commissioned by him to teach Laoism in the West. Since many Western readers may not have a clear grounding in fundamental aspects of Chinese mystical culture and experience, we have also included some elaboration of this from the experience of both authors in the Introduction.
Doors To All Wonders
© [2017] · Detox International.
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