We would like to invite you to review the improvement happening at Detox International. Our formulas are more powerful than ever, with results so profound we are having people actually turn around diseases that usually carry a death sentence. We have people who are establishing high levels of discipline concerning their dietary intake, while finally beginning to understand that the feeling of wellness, even blissfulness is no longer just an elusive option but an innate and necessary component of the human experience. We now have people who are looking forward to maturing instead of being embarrassed by the aging process. This is all being done by a system of total body cleansing and detoxification, fat burning, pain stopping, tissue building, plant base formulas. This system of life enhancement is so complete that those who don’t improve are probably living out a death wish. We take this opportunity to invite you to turn around the helpless decent into decrepitude and life threatening illnesses and start enjoying life the way nature intended..
Our program will also allow you to make a gradual transition over a reasonable amount of time that can be emotionally comfortable.
A complete detoxification program would aspire to accomplish the following:
Normalize stomach pH; aid pancreatic enzyme production; flush gall bladder and thin the bile; de-fat and decongest the liver; build intestinal micro flora; flush mucus and waste from the intestinal wall to free villi action and nutrient absorption; remove impacted colon fecal waste by stimulating peristaltic action; purify and build the blood; cleanse the urinary tract and promote fluid balance; promote lymphatic drainage; open skin pores; expectorate mucus from lungs, open respiratory passageways; diminish unnatural food cravings; curb the appetite while releasing you gradually from the bondage of addiction, This program will stimulate a fervent desire for healthy food and healthy living.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to one of the best cleansing and restoration systems to be found anywhere. This system works and it works beyond a shadow of a doubt. What is needed on your part is a sufficient passion for life and some discipline to see it though. The human body today is under severe attack and if you are not doing this program or something close to it, the probability of you incurring health challenges when you least expect is high. Diseases take decades to incubate in the body, so don’t be fooled by a lull of symptoms. The Goal of Detox International is to break the disease incubation cycle while reversing the premature aging (disease) process.
Actually, it took us about 25years of involvement in developing health and nutritional programs before arriving at the crystal blue waters of Detox International. Of all the cravings that beset the human body over the span of a lifetime, the craving to be absolutely clean is by far the most overwhelming. The natural intelligence guiding the human body abhors waste the same way nature abhors a vacuum; no biological activity works well in a waste filled environment; it is fundamentally important that we keep our bodies clean at all costs. There is no single factor that contributes more to our life support than the cleansing cycle. It is within the magnitude of this concept that Detox Intentional was formed.
Any transition of this magnitude is going to require three key ingredients: comfort, consistency, and confidence. It is within the confines of these elements that a safe and intelligent journey can be made towards recovery, revitalization and embracement of life’s cherished rewards.
We are proud to be able to introduce to you a line of products, information, and workshops so advanced in their effectiveness, the surprise alone will awaken within you a new sense of being alive.
We have come face to face with a monumental desire to rid ourselves of a very troubling past; a time period which has weakened our wills to live; a time period which has us screaming, screeching, crawling, howling, seeking, stopping, cursing, blaming, begging and wondering – only then to die an unseemly death.
There is a need for an awakening within the deepest reaches of each individual in order to restore the functional integrity of their lives. The human spirit in this day is demanding that we rid ourselves of those burdens that stand in the way of enjoying our lives in a way that makes living sense.
Most of us have been accumulating waste in our bodies, especially our colons, since the day we were born. We start at that point to struggle with the forces of degeneration and death to such an extent that everything that can possible go wrong with the human body is going wrong. Most of us simply don’t expect to enjoy our lives very much or very often. So, desperate measures are used to shock the body into any form of pleasure which quicken cheap thrills and short life spans. Use of chemical poisons such as drugs, caffeine, alcohol, unnatural and degraded food stuff, is a cry for help in a body that is out of control.
In order to sustain life in the body from day to day, the body must be able to regenerate itself every single day. Regeneration is a prime factor in the course of a life time that must take place – not just on the weekends, when you take a vacation, when you feel too tired to do anything else, after the bills are paid or after you find someone to love – but every single day. If the human body is not regenerating itself daily, it is in decline; that is, degenerating. This degenerative process is what we experience as aging, disease, lack of energy and vitality, lack of sexual potency or desire, and of course, premature death.
Billions of spent (dead) cells accumulate in our bodies daily, needing to be eliminated. Meals that we eat also accumulate. When the process of elimination is completed, the body is then able to produce new cells and sufficiently recharge itself. If, on the other hand, the processes of elimination are not completed, the body begins to form unwanted fatty tissues, cellulite, tumors, plaque, colds, The flu, stones, excessive fluids, stiffness, hyper tensison, hardened fecal matter, distended abdomen, and even various expressions of insanity.
Your body’s ability to regenerate in a waste fill environment is diminished proportionally to the amount of waste in your system.
Keep in mind that: There is no pill for the lack of will.