Health and Wellness in a Glass of Water
Imagine a magic potion that prevented and cured disease, helped you lose weight if you were too fat, put on weight if you were too thin, slowed aging, improved brain function and helped you quit smoking, drinking and other addictive habits.
Where would you find this “elixir of life” other than in the realms of science fiction? And surely it would cost a fortune.Think again. This “elixir” does not exist. It can be found all around us. And best of all – it’s FREE. WATER-plain, simple, WATER is the magic key to good health.Seventy-five percent of the body and 85 percent of the brain is made up of water. All the body’s functions are regulated by the flow of water through the cells. Sell your body short of water by not drinking enough, or by drinking dehydrating fluids such as sodas, tea, coffee or alcohol, and you put yourself at risk of developing one or more conditions of ill-health.
Dr. F. Batmanghelidi, of Virginia, has studied the role of water in the body for the past 16 years. He has concluded that CHRONIC DEHYDRATION is the root cause of many pain-producing ailments such as arthritis, angina, heartburn, migraine headaches and back pain and degenerative diseases including athma, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes in the elderly, and many others.
By drinking eight to ten glasses of water (plus a little salt) a day, to replace the water and salt in our bodies that we constantly losing, one can prevent, treat and cure most painful conditions and diseases. No chemical drugs are needed. No invasive procedures. No expense. We could save billions of dollars in healthcare costs if people learned to recognize and respond to their body’s various thirst signals; and if mainstream medicine used the healing power of water instead of fighting diseases with drugs and procedures that treat the symptom but not the cause.
Dr. Batmanghelidj has explained his findings on chronic dehydration in a book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water. It includes a selection of testimonials from the thousands of people, including many medical professionals, who have regained their health through the “water cure”.
Dr. Batmanghelicli has been a guest on several hundred radio programs including Dr. Robert Atkins, Dr.Alan Pressman, Gary Null, Here’s To Your Health, and a number of TV shows including CNBC, Fox Morning News and Robert Crayton’s “Alternative medicine”.
Dr. Batmanghelidj received his medical training at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University. He has devoted most of his scientific life to researching pain and water metabolism in the human body. He introduced a new premise of medicine that it is the solvent-the water content of the body-that regulated all the body functions: unintentinal chronic dehydration causes many diseases, for which water itself is the best natural medicine for prevention and cure.
In this book, the hero is water. We all know water is “good” for us, but we don’t know the painful fact that unintentional chronic dehydration produces different pains and disease conditions in the human body. Dr. Batmanghelidj exposes, for the first time in the history of medicine, the relationship between chronic dehydration and disease conditions. His message is: “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat your thirst with medication.” The medical community still fights disease with drugs and procedures that treat the symptoms but do not prevent or cure the disease. Dr. Batmandhelidi, in his book, challenges the conventional medicine to study the healing power of water and dehydration in the human body. The purpose of his book is to educate the public to become aware of the damages caused by unintentional chronic dehydration and the medicinal value of water in disease prevention and cure.
Dr. Batmanghelidj has no commercial interest in encouraging people to prevent and treat diseases with water. He devotes this book to those who believe in and prefer to adhere to the logic of science and nature to tap into a simple, cost-free source of good health. “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” is possibly the most important health book you will ever read.
Ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, back and joint pain (arthritis), chronic fatigue syndrome, breast cancer, impotency, overweight problems, stress and depression are just some of the conditions that respond well to an adequate water intake. Dr. Batmanghelidj maintains that ulcers, asthma and hypertension can be cured in just months by increasing your water consumption. Now, other doctors are coming to agree, according to recent reports in the newspaper.
Adults should drink at least eight, 8 oz. grasses of water per day to hydrate their body and make sure to have at least 1/4 teaspoon of salt per day in their food to help the body utilize the added water. The salt is crucial.
Always drink water between meals and not with meals. Dr. Batmangheliclj recommends you drink at least a half-hour after meals, for best results.This time schedule of water intake will help digestion rather than dilute it.
Also, don’t think for a moment that drinking coffee, soda pop, diet colas, tea or fruit drinks is a substitute for water. When Dr. Batmanghelidj prescribes eight, 8 oz. glasses of water, he means just that. Most coffee, pop and tea are dehydrating drinks. In other words, they’re diuretic; their liquid isn’t available to irrigate your system because of the caffein and/or phosphates they contain. If you cannot give up these dehydrating liquids, just make certain you don?t count their intake
Water Affects Your Bodys Release of Hystamines
Dr. Batmanghelidj’s theory is based on the principle that we misinterpret thirst signals as pain and treat them with drugs which silence instead of cure the problem. “Because dehydration eventually causes loss of some functions, the various signals given by the water distribution system regulators during severe and lasting dehydration have been translated as indicators of unknown disease conditions of the body”, he writes.
The human body is composed of 25 percent solid matter (the solute) and 75 percent water (the solvent) and, according to Dr. Batmanghelidj, medical researchers have assumed that the solute composition is the reactive regulator of all functions of the human body. He believes that it is wrong to assume that water acts only as a solvent and never as a regulator of different parts of the body.
About the Author
In 1979, revolution broke out in Iran and, as a member of a prominent family, Dr. Batmanghelidj was thrown in jail. It was while serving as a political prrisoner in Evin prison that he discovered the healing power of water. As a doctor, he ministered to he needs of sick fellow prisoners. One night he had to treat a man suffering severe abdominal pain caused by peptic ulcer disease. He had no medications to give him, so instead had to prescribe the only thing he had-two glasses of water. Within eight minutes, the man’s crippling pain had disappeared.
Dr. Batmanghelidj continued his research into the medicinal effects of water throughout his two-and-a-half-year stay in prison, and during this time cured more than 3,000 peptic ulcer sufferers with water. A report on his findings was published in the Iranian Medical Council journal.
After his release, and eventual escape from Iran, Dr. Batmanhelidj came to America in 1982, where he has continued his research into the role of water in the body, and the identification of the body’s many different pain producing thirst signals. He is convinced that water-which makes up 75 percent of our bodies, and 85 percent of our brains is the key to good health, and that most concditions of ill health occur because we allow our bodies to become dehydrated.
Dr. Batmanghelidi findings have been published in several scientific journals, and presented at many prefessional and public conferences. He has written two books: Your Body’s Cries for Water and How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid joint Pain.