The Healing Miracle of
Herbal Fasting
Our fasting workshops along with the Egyptian Kemetic Yoga are by far the single greatest contribution we offer. Why? Because restoration to the human will – the power and desire to live independently from all unnatural influences – is the grandest of all achievements.
Fasting simply means to accelerate the movement of blood throughout the body – to make it go faster.
Why is this important? When the blood begins crawl through our bodies, every cell, vital gland and organ begin to atrophy (die). This is why the cholesterol elimination craze is growing, because cholesterol(LDL) contributes significantly to bringing the blood stream to a virtual standstill, a life size version of rigor mortis.
Fasting, on the other hand by increasing the blood’s momentum allows it to stay clear of unwanted debris produced by metabolic waste and environmental toxins. Fasting also allows the body to get what it needs the most, which is an ample supply of oxygen.
Fasting keeps the body on a regenerative pathway and reverses the process of degeneration.
Fasting allows you to stand up and transcend the emotional cravings that tend to reduce most people to level of beastiality. Fasting allows you to be governed by your sense of listening and sight on insight, instead of the primitive sense of smell. Fasting allows you to gather and take control of your life force.
Slow and steady win the race!
Detox International’s fasting format in conjunction with our herbal cleansing programs is comfortable, inspiring, and attainable at any age or mind set. All that is required is desire.
Through fasting people begin to realize their health potential. It is through fasting and deep breathing exercises such as African Kemetic yoga and the Healing Tao that people come to understand the natural flow of energy through the body and its connection to human development and physical pleasure. In order to merit the true pleasures of life it is important to avoid choosing the quick thrills associated with lower grade sensations, such as drugs, alcohol, coffee, cooked foods, spicy foods, gluttony, etc.
Our herbal fasting program can extend form 3, 9, 30, 40 days to 4 Months using our Herbal Power Paks along with juices, water and deep breathing exercises. African Kemetic Yoga is an especially helpful feature in our fasting program.
Fast in Progress
October 12, 2009- February 12, 2010
A Journey of a Lifetime
Never in my wildest dreams would I have tried to introduce the concept of a four (4) Month Herbal/Nutritional fast without the presence of Detox International’s new Power Pak System.
Once this system is fully entrenched in your body, your outlook will change completely.
The key to successoin with this fast will be to approach it in 24 Hour Cycles.
There is an old saying that if we could only live our lives as if:
Every Second was a Minute
Every Minute was an Hour
Every Hour was a Day
Every Day was a Lifetime.
Very few people get a chance to live their lives with such clarity, purpose and completion.
In each 24 Hour period the body and spirit will undergo bold changes that activates stem cells and return us to that primal state of physical innocence. This is a doable fast and the only thing that will get in our way will be the ghosts of habits past.
All it take is sharing our experiences with each other on a daily basis (The 24 Hour Cycle) to overcome all the frail objections your body has been nurturing for decades. These objections are only illusions. They have no basis in reality and will always go away in a short period of time. We use the internet as our support contact.
Those of you concerned about energy-don’t be.- you will be overrun with energy
Those of you concerned about Protein-don’t be.-you only need a ounce a day & you’re getting it
Those of you concerned about Hunger-don’t be.-This will be the first time in your life to be this well nourished.
Those of you concerned about losing too much weight -don’t be.-the body only get rid of bad cells-then stabilizes.
Those of you concerned about wrinkles -don’t be.-you will experience exactly the opposite.
Those of you concerned about being around food-don’t be.-the fun part is be around it and not wanting it.
Those of you concerned about the expense—don’t be—watch how much money you save.
This is not a toxic starvation diet but an empowerment nutritional fast.
I insist you only use organic produce and pure spring water. Fiji and trinity waters are the best
Things you are going to need on the fast are:
Detox International Power Paks
Vegetables: (for juicing- you can use the juicer or blender)
Kale, celery, cucumbers, parsley, ginger root. Just wash- blend and strain-throw away the pulp.
Apples, Lemons, Oranges. Asian Pears. You can actually chew these except the lemons and spit out the pulp. (the world’s best extraction method)
Raw Organic Nectar
Green and other teas( but no black or caffeinated teas)
Fasting Workshops & Seminars:
Fasting workshops and Live Food seminars are given weekly at the New Orleans headquarters and monthly in various parts of the country, by prior arrangement.
Zachary Ramsey III