Chronic yeast infection or reoccurring Candida infection occur mostly from a weakened immune system or the use of antibiotics to treat illness.
Women seem to be affected the most with vaginal infections being the biggest complaint. Most women will often experience multiple vaginal infections during their child-bearing years. These infections can be caused by a hormonal imbalance within the reproductive system that weakens the immune system at certain times in the menstrual cycle.
Women can get these chronic yeast infections from not only the reasons listed, but also from their sexual partner if he is a beer drinker. Beer contains brewers yeast and is usually made from moldy grains. This can produce a skin yeast infection on the male penis that he is totally unaware of since the skin temperature is about 77 degrees. This low temperature causes the infection on his penis to remain dormant. But during the act of sex, since the vagina is a very warm place, it can become active as it is passed on to the woman. At this point it can now be given back to the male because his urethra is vulnerable during sex. A few researchers believe yeast is the direct cause of problems of the prostrate. If yeast will raise bread, couldn’t it swell a prostrate gland?
Chronic yeast infections are also caused by eating foods contaminated with molds and fungi, the most common foods being grains, whether they are processed or not. Grain fed meats also introduce fungi into the body since almost all livestock feed is moldy and unfit for human consumption. The animals eat this moldy food and the fungi then becomes present in their body. You eat the meat, the fungus now enters your body and destroys some good bacteria in your digestive system. Over time the yeast to bacteria ratio is altered and the yeast can take over as a Candida infection.
Chronic yeast infections are also caused by foods such as peanuts and some fruits (if the body is vulnerable.) The same thing applies when you eat these foods and introduce the fungus into the digestive system, they kill more of the good bacteria, and then they travel thought the body if your immune system is weak.
Many antibiotics are made from fungi and are known as fungal poisons that kill bacteria. Not only do they kill bad bacteria that causes the diseases, but also kills the good bacteria found in the digestive system. These good bacteria are your first line of defense from bad bacteria, viruses and diseases. Kill enough of the good bacteria and the fungus can gain the upper hand in the intestines and spread throughout the body releasing mycotoxins. Mycotoxins can take an enormous toll on the immune system from the constant and never ending battle being fought within your immune system.
These mycotoxins can cause other diseases that modern medicine has no explanation for,one being skin infections.
As the chronic yeast infection spreads in your intestines, they rob your body of its required nutrients for good health. The infected person may notice a chronic craving for sugar and simple carbohydrates that break down in the digestive system to sugar, thus feeding the Candida infection. Sugar being its food of choice, which allows it to grow and spread throughout the entire body.
Alcohol is also contaminated with fungus and mold. The fermentation process itself is a break down of whatever medium is used by molds, commonly yeast, to create the alcohol. Beer as a cause of chronic yeast infection is a prime example, it contains yeast.
Once the infection has taken control it is almost impossible to get rid of it until you restore the immune system to a normal function. The immune system has become too worn down and doesn’t have time because it is to busy doing other things more important for continued life.
Skin yeast infections and their likely causes. What you may find here may very will change your outlook on fungal infections caused by yeast and as a cause of many common diseases.
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It protects your inside from the outside. It also can reveal many inside health problems, because it does release toxins in the form of sweat from the body. Skin lesions can be at times early indications of systemic internal yeast infection.
Fungi’s claim to fame is that it was the first micro-organism shown to cause infection or disease in humans. You would think all doctors would know about skin infections, but unfortunately it is not the case. Most research and medical centers will have staffs of hundreds of scientists and doctors, but maybe only one or two mycologists. They just don’t exist in any large amount in the medical fields.
These common types of skin yeast infections can affect other parts of the body as well. For example, you may have a severe case of athlete’s feet and break out in a rash on the palm of your hand. The fungus did this by releasing mycotoxins into the blood stream and the mycotoxins affected the palm of the hand.
Skin yeast infections have been linked with elevated blood cholesterol levels.When for instance, toenail fungus was treated, cholesterol levels were reduced.
(British Medical Journal-1995). This of course would mean that ,without a doubt, the fungus contributed to high cholesterol.
People with infections of the lungs have been found to suffer from skin yeast infections. Some may even resemble skin cancer. Candida Albicans can cause diaper rash, dry red skin or cracked skin in the corners of the mouth.
Other skin disease like psoriasis, acne, hives, and eczema don’t seem to have any relation to an internal fungal infection. But, when people are treated for a fungal infection that have these other skin diseases, their external skin problems lessen. There are many studies showing that psoriasis in indeed a fungal infection caused by either the fungus itself or their Mycotoxins. Psoriasis is supposedly incurable but that is not so
Remember that skin infections are usually a sign that something is wrong inside the body. With that in mind, they should not be taken lightly.
If you suffer from any skin yeast disease it may be wise to take a look at your diet, what you did before the disease showed symptoms, and the very likely possibility that it is being caused by an internal yeast infection and their mycotoxins.
Adult humans have 3 to 4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, numbering about 70 trillion organisms, living in our digestive system. There is strength in these numbers of the beneficial bacteria keeps yeast in check. They are in charge and make yeast produce vitamins, such as the B complex, within our bodies. If this balance is altered by reducing good bacteria, yeast, being very opportunistic, will spread and take over as a yeast infection known a Candida (mold), causing a wide variety of unhealthy side effects and disease.
Penicillin is a good example of a fungal by-product called mycotoxins. This number one cause of yeast infection is so over prescribed today that yeast infection is a growing out of control epidemic.
Another cause of yeast infection and the destruction of stomach flora are anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These two drugs are common over the counter medications that many people take. Very few people realize what they are doing to their health by taking them. America has become a nation of drug depending people. Not a night goes by when you don’t see a TV commercial for some kind of drug promising some miraculous cure for something. These drugs all contribute to the destruction of good bacteria and are a cause of yeast infection.
Another cause of yeast infection, theorized by some doctors, are various types of birth control given to women. In the natural menstrual cycle of women, right after ovulation on about the 18th day, both progesterone and estrogen decline to very low levels. At the same time estradiol begins to rise into menses and then these three hormones return to normal. Most birth control contain estradiol in significant amount and add to this problem.
The hormone link as a cause of yeast infection for women is very common. Almost all women that suffer from reoccurring vaginal yeast infection will tell you that they do indeed get flare ups at the third week of their cycle.
According to the 2001 Asthma and Allergy Report, the first immunodeficiency syndrome was identified in 1952. Since that time 95 more have been identified with new conditions being discovered every day. The report also states that increase use of antibiotics in infancy is contributing to increased risks of allergies. What is interesting is in the 1950’s, antibiotics came into wide spread use. Do you see a correlation?
Most common prescriptions for antibiotics is for upper respiratory infections, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, most of these infections are caused by a fungus”. So they do not require an antibiotic as a treatment. Over time this will alter the balance in stomach bacteria allowing the yeast to overgrow, and the result is Candida, or worse.
Doctors plead ignorance when their patients develop allergies, intestinal disorders, etc., not even realizing that the very drugs they prescribed are the cause of the yeast infection and these other fungal diseases. Over time, your good stomach bacteria become overwhelmed by yeast as it kills even more of your good bacteria .
Candida is the result.
It becomes a never-ending cycle. You get an antibiotic for your cold, flu, women for vaginal infections. The doctor gives them and anti-fungal or an anti-fungal cream, or they purchase it over the counter at the local drugstore. The infection is beaten for a time, bu then it returns. This will continue until the cause of the yeast infection is addressed.
Mycotoxins from molds and fungi are also known cancer causing agents that are released by mold and yeasts. One of these mycotoxins, called aflatoxin, happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth. In the common diets of today, grains are consumed in all three meals in some form, from cereal to breads and pastas. So everyday the average American is consuming.15mg to .20mg of aflatoxin.
The western diet of today, due to sugars and molds in the foods we eat, is a cancer-causing machine. The addition of these sugars allows the yeast to thrive unbeknown to many people that have it, and allows it to inject its own mycotoxins into your body.This will suppress the immune system and lead to other autoimmune system diseases such as cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s, arthritis, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, Fibormayalgia, etc.if left untreated.
There are known traces of over 300 toxins in our bodies that were not present before 1940. These toxins have been shown to bind to receptors, blocking important enzymatic reactions in the body weakening the immune system.
All of these things contribute as a cause of yeast infections today and weaken our immune systems. Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune systems, and all these things can and do contribute to help kill them. Diet alone will not control Candida and yeast infections, it simply will not work.
First identified in the 1950’s, it is now estimated that approximately 80°/o of the population has an overgrowth of Candida Albicans (called Candidiasis). It is surprising that most think that Candidiasis (an overgrowth of Candida Albicans everywhere) afflicts primarily women as a “yeast infection”. Candida cuts across all age groups:
infants, adolescents, and adults (both male and female), yet the symptoms manifest in many ways not only as a “yeast infection”.
Of the population that suffers from Candida Albicans (Candidiasis), rarely do they attribute their symptoms to this serious condition that is now considered an epidemic.
Although Candida and other fungus are present in the natural ecology intestines and in a healthy individual can not cause problems, Candida can change into a fungal form and pass from the intestinal wall. As it spreads throughout the body, it produces a variety of devastating and persistent symptoms. This makes it a perplexing condition often overlooked in diagnosis . Often, it can be a very deep-seated, pervasive
soft tissue infection which can affect virtually every organ and muscle tissue in men, women, children and even babies.
What Causes Candidiasis?
Authorities who speak to the issue state that the greatest contributors to the overgrowth of Candida Albicans systematically is the extended use of antibiotics, stress, poor diet, alcohol, steroids, and more… as well as a suppressed or compromised immune system.
Antibiotics can produce an imbalance of micro organisms in the intestinal tract by killing the “good” bacteria and leaving an overabundance of Candida cells. The Candida cells proliferate in the gut, then penetrate the intestinal wall, and then are carried by the circulatory system throughout the body and infect organ and muscle tissues.
The Candida invasion can cripple the immune system so that it can no longer repel invaders. It can create allergies to chemicals, pollens, and foods. Also, it is believed that toxins from the Candida cells and protein molecules develop an antigen/antibody reaction. This can cause even more allergic reactions.
Immuno-deficient conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Psoriasis all lend themselves to making the individual susceptible to Candidiasis.
Dr. Gus Prosch, M.D. wrote in the Townsend Newsletter for Physicians in January, 1995: “All arthritics by virtue of their weakened immune system suffer also from Candidiasis.” He further states, “All arthritics should consider, as part of their overall get-well program, a candida treatment.” Dr. Prosch, continues by stating, “Whether or not the only cause for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is Candida albacans is not known
,but that it is a major cause of the symptomology can be readily assumed based on improvement that follows when Candidiasis is treated against.”
Dr. Robert Atkins, in his book, Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution pointed out that 300/o of all his overweight patients have Candidiasis as diagnosed by irrefutable laboratory tests. He further states, “I don’t believe that your diet necessarily causes Candidiasis, but my clinical practice has taught me that the wrong foods will definitely encourage a yeast infection.” By using the term the wrong foods Dr, Atkins refers
to “a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates.” This is also true for the diabetic patient.
If you are eating improperly, taking antibiotics, or changing your body chemistry with birth control, you are providing the perfect environment for Candida to multiply uncontrolled.
The diseases and problems of systemic yeast infections can be quite varied as well as life threatening. These fungi releases mycotoxins (poisons) into the body. The mycotoxins can affect different parts of the body in seemingly unrelated ways. For example, one person may get adult acne, the next, arthritis, and another heart disease. Candida and their mycotoxins can cause all of these illnesses and many more.
Once the infection has taken control it is almost impossible to get rid of it until you restore the immune system to a normal function. Nk and kpuffer cells (cells that control Candida) can kill a yeast wall in 1/lOOth of a second, now they are not doing the job. The immune system has become too worn down and doesn’t have time, it is to busy doing other things more important for continued life.
There have been many cases of people that suffer from migraine headaches, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, respiratory diseases, breast cancer and others that have not been proven to be linked to fungi or systemic yeast infection. But these people have gone on the Candida diet with The Candida Relief Promise formulation and have had their disease simply go away.
Because The Candida Relief Promise is water based, it is the most suitable delivery system for use as a douche…just apply onto a tampon (moisten slightly) and insert vaginally. Use overnight (hence a longer retention time). It can relieve the most severe symptoms of vaginitis, irritation, inflammation, itching, odor, and discharge. Use as needed; one, two, three, four, nights….
The Candida Relief Promise…
…is a homeopathic remedy for Candida. Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that treats “like with like”.
The Candida Relief Promise has been infused with the specific vibrational frequency that is lethal to only the Candida overgrowth, yet it is harmless and neutral to the rest of the body. (The theory behind vibrational science is supported by quantum physics: all matter, including the body, has a unique energy pattern.)
Our homeopathic remedy for Candida- a system of alternative medicine that treats “like with like”. This is why our formulas contain non-active, dead, liced Candida.
Tasting like water (so everyone loves it), it works everywhere in the body, rather than only localized in the intestinal tract.
Safe and Effective Symptoms relieved in 14-16 days
Active Ingredients: Candida Albicans lOOC HPUS*; Allium Sativam 6C HPUS* (Garlic): Aloe Socotrina 6C HPUS* (aloe Vera). Inactive Ingredients: purified water.
It works fast, It works where others have failed It is over 80°/o successful
Does NOT require refrigeration
HOW DOES The Candida Relief Promise WORK?
The Candida Relief Promise being homeopathic, work like a vaccine. It is introduced into your body’s system in small fractured dead Candida cells and trains the body to fight the overgrowth of the Candida. It is also infused with a vibrational frequency that is lethal to Candida. It works by stimulating the body’s immune system to fight off the overgrowth.
There are many test to verify Candidiasis. One is to take our diagnosis test. One of the most simple and inexpensive test is the spit test. When you go to bed at night, take a glass of water with you. Actually spit in it. In the morning look at the glass of water. If the spit has separated into little strings, sinking down towards the bottom of the glass, this is a sure sign of Candidiasis.There are also many test on the market that can range in price of up to $200 or more.
WHAT IS THE SHELF LIFE The Candida Relief Promise?
The shelf life of The Candida Relief Promise is unlimited due to the fact that it is homeopathic. It does not require refrigeration.
Yes, die off can occur. It is called the HERTXEIMER EFFECT( The Healing Crisis). You can experience flu like symptoms. All you have to do is cut your dosage in half (1/2 ounce) for about a week and then go back on full dosage.
It is your immune system reacting to the sudden excessive amount of toxic, dead, yeast through out your body. When taking The Candida Relief Promise and maintaining a proper Candida diet, approximately 20°/o of our clients will experience a die off. Die-off means that your body is working well with this product. It also •means that your body is attempting to eliminate toxic waste fast and your experiencing the effects of it working properly. If you experience die-off symptoms, simply cut your dosage in half (to 1/2 ounce) and herbal does and drink all the water you can to help your body flush out the toxic yeast. Water is key as in a Candida diet.
HOW SUCCESSFUL IS The Candida Relief Promise ?
The Candida Relief Promise is 80°/o effective when a proper Candida diet is followed,
But 100% when combined with our Herbal Fasting Program
WHAT IS ACTUALLY In The Candida Relief Promise?
The Candida Relief Promise contain dead Candida cells that have been fractured to minuscule pieces. Then they are put through the frequency process. Next they are diluted with the purest water available. They are then succussed to insure dispersion through out the product. The Candida Relief Promise has added aloe vera and garlic for more rapid effect. All products are made in a GMP, FDA approved laboratory under the strictest condition to insure that the products are free of any foreign matter.The laboratory is under FDA contingency at all times.
Symptoms relieved in 14-16 days.
Anti-fungals keep Candida from reproducing by introducing a foreign protein into the protein receptors in the Candida cell wall. Before the yeast “family” has completely died out from the inability to reproduce, the Candida develops an enzyme to break down that specific protein – and its back! Consequently, long-time suffers have found that anti fungals do not work because they do not KILL the overgrowth of Candida.
Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune systems, and all these things can and do contribute to help kill them. Diet alone will not control Candida and yeast infections
Below is a diet of foods that are allowed on your Candida Control Diet.
(Please follow as close as possible).
Vegetables: A Vegan Raw Diet is optimal Green Salads.
All vegetables except mushrooms. potatoes (1-2x/wk, all skins should be scrubbed and them removed before cooking)
Coconut Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar (raw & unfiltered-refrigerate)
Fresh Herbs (i.e. basil, parsley, etc.)
Homemade Salad Dressing if possible
Beans/ Legumes: All (except fermented soy products, I.e., mlso, tepeh). Good to eliminate this group for the first month- then eat only 3x/wk.
Fruits one per day):
Apples (granny smith ),Blueberries, Coconu,t Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes,
Oils: Flaxseed, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil (not for cooking, just flavoring) Olive oil (good for cooking)
Drinks: Spring Water, Minerals, Green Juices, unsweetened Bissap Breeze
Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, Brazil, Chestnuts, Hazelnut Macadamia Pecans Pumpkin seeds Sunflower Seeds Walnut Sesame seeds. Sweeteners: Stevia, Coconut Nectar.
Grains: (easy on the Grains)- Amaranth, Buckwheat, Millet, Oats, Barley, Brown Rice, quinoa, Rye, Wild Rice, (organic of course.)
Please adhere to the diet as closely as possible. Candida fungus grows on sugar, starch and high carbohydrate foods. It is also fed by gluten-
Candida is also fed by the other yeast molds that are contained in many foods. Please read labels and check for ingredients that are on the avoid list.
If you have to cheat, do so sparingly. Your cravings will slowly dissipate once that Candida is leaving the body. Slowly Introduce foods back into your diet after a month that are on the “Foods to Avoids” list. You will be able to tell which foods you will be able to tolerate. You will notice which foods will agree with your system.
Vegetables: Corn- Mushrooms
Meats: Processed and packaged meats (all)Hamburger Hot dogs Sausage, just meats period.
Dairy: All cheeses including Cottage Cheese, Buttermilk ,Cow and goat milk
Ice Cream, Margarine, Sour Cream,Yogurt
Condiments:-All vinegars (except apple cider or coconut vinegar-raw unfiltered)
Catsup-Gravy-Mustard-Jams- jellies-Pickles- Relish-Sauces-Soy Oil-Tamari
Worcestershire-Spices with yeast,sugar or additives Dried Herbs (mold collects on leaves during drying process)
Salad Dressing (unless no added sugar and only raw apple cider or coconut vinegar is added)
Beans & Legumes:-Peas-No Fermented Soy Products
Fruits:-Apricots- Cherries- Dried fruits- Kiwi- Nectarines- Pears- Plums
Berries Bananas Currants Dates Figs Grapes Mangos Melons Oranges Papayas
Peaches Pineapple Pomegranates Tangerines
Oils– Peanut oils Processed Oils-Hydrogenated Oils
Drinks: Alcohol-Coffee-Fruit Juices-Soda (diet & regular)
Tea (all caffeinated and decaffe-except herbal
Nuts & Seeds:-Cashews-Peanuts- Pistachios
Sweeteners:-Aspartame- Barley Malt- Brown Rice Syrup-Brown Sugar-Corn Syrup-Dextrose-Fructose -Honey-Maltodextrin-Maple Syrup-Molasses-Sorbitol-White Sugar Raw Cane Juice Crystals- Sucralose-
Grains:Breads (unless wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar free) Cereals {unless wheat, dairy and sugar free)
Corn-Kamut-Pastries-Spelt-White Rice- White flour
Also::Candy-Cookies-Chocolate- Coffee- Donuts-Gelatin-Gum-Fried Foods-Muffins-Pizza
Processed foods-all smoked, dried, pickled or cured foods
Remember to stay away from these foods for at least the first month
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