There are many stories from our ancient past that need to be retold but none more urgently than how our Egyptian ancestors were able to lock into those forces within the human body which allowed them to overcome the ravishes of gravity, aging and degeneration African Kemetic Yoga approaches the human body as a field of energy governed by the laws of bio-physics and geometrical proportions. Even today you’ll see people fascinated and enthralled by the laws of biophysics, though in a degraded way. When we take our children and throw them up in the air or whirl them around by their arms, they become exhilarated. Additionally, when we dance, perform gymnastics, exercise, run, swim, play basketball, race cars, motorcycles and boats, skydive, go on roller coaster rides, get a massage, kiss, scream, have sexual encounters, sing, chant, meditate, not to mention drinking alcohol and using drugs, it is our way of trying to introduce ourselves to the dynamic forces and ecstacies of bio-physics.One of the end results of perfecting our encounter with life’s mysterious powers is the feeling of ecstasy itself. The ancient Egyptian masters knew this and sought to develop their bodies along these lines. They knew that the key feature of development of the human body must include power, flexibility, balance, definition, steadiness and agility. The Egyptian Pharoahs and priests also knew that in order to grow spiritually you had to bring your matter into divine order. African Kemetic Yoga system is so gentle in its practice format that it can initially deceive you into thinking that not much is actually happening. In effect, what is really happening is that the atomic powers of subtle energy within the body are awakened only to catapult your development into places experienced by only a few. The human body is supposed to grow stronger as it grows older”, according to an ancient saying. Regeneration is that explosive feature of our life system that keeps us fit and available for our spiritual and moral victories. It makes sense out of living within a structure that is essentially a time capsule that must extend itself over a certain span in order to come to full realization. The ancient ones, our ancestors of Kemet, were the people of the NileValley. They had a royal culture and saw the art of living as becoming Heroes and Sheroes of themselves. By practicing this art of living everyday, they became skillful in developing a rewarding quality of life without suffering and limitation.They gracefully sculptured the body into a golden temple and the mind into a keener instrument. These ancient ones practiced this art form to become architects of the human frame and the masters of the internal functions of the body. The wonders of the pyramids were just an outward show of a much deeper miracle that had already taken place within themselves. They knew as they grew older they would have to develop a progressively superior mind and body. Otherwise, they would deteriorate and become prisoners in their own body and painfully suffer through time. The Africans of Kamet devised a system to understand how the body worked. They created an art form called KemeticYoga to develop their highly advanced mind that was in touch with the subtle energies of the universe, and they veiled the secrets in symbols. This was the secret to the longevity and youthfulness of the ancient people of Kemet.These ancient people were not so much concerned with how they looked, as with how efficiently their bodies and minds functioned. This method of transforming the body into a HERO or a SHERO is now available to all people after being hidden for centuries. Just think now you can experience the gift of regeneration in the way that is compatible with the dimensions of living in time.You can achieve a beautiful linear body, sharp mind, and peaceful and gracious spirit by learning this powerful system of development that enhances the melanin The Evolution of a Superior Human Life Form by Dr. Asar Ha-Pi (D.C, Ph.D.) Dr. Asar Ha-pi, the founder of Modern Day Egyptian Yoga, offers workshops that aid in the regeneration of one’s body, mind and spirit. The program includes a gentle exercise process that enables participants to learn how to control muscles that improve the nervous system. It develops the positive ascension of the individual’s psychological, physiological and emotional awareness. Lifetime techniques are taught for successfully coping with the day to day stress present in modern day society. Benefits include a body that will maintain a twenty to thirty year old structure and organ functioning well into the ages of 70s, 80, 90s and 100s! The art and science of regeneration through these practices is a must for the individual who wants to minimize the physical and mental pains of suffering in the mind, body and spirit. The program emphasizes the power of breath, how to improve your oxidation and how to find the key of life. Who should take advantage of this program? We all should!!! as well as individuals who seek to understand and gain from the historical benefits of Egypt’s Ancient African Culture
Modern Science is just beginning to scratch the surfaces of what the Egyptian Yoga Masters developed ten of thousands of year before.
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