Full Life Recipes
Over the last several years, people have inquired about an avenue through which they could make a comfortable transition in their diet in order to keep themselves out of harm’s way.
There are many books that deal with this subject matter that we think are valuable. From some of these books and most importantly our personal experiences over the past 45 years comes helpful suggestions that we feel will allow you to make a safe transition from dietary standards that are not compatible with sustaining the balance of life.
Begin your day with :
- In 3ozs. of Spring Water, add Humic/ Bio-Viral Zap, Roya Oxy Flush and Fulvic Force( 8 drops each)
- Then Your The Basic Cleanse/Nutrition Kit along with the other herbal protocols.
- After taking The Basic Cleanse/Nutrition Kit in the morning, you may not have much of an appetite for eating anything else. But, if you still crave foods at this time, start eating fruits first, You actually should only eat fruit and fruits only; but at least, fruits.
- You can make both sour fruit salads like: cucumbers, olive and avocado salads or a medley of sweet fruit salads like apples, bananas, pears, peaches, mangos, grapes with seeds, watermelons with seeds, kiwis. asian pears, prickle pears etc.
Keep in mind our bodies were only meant to efficiently digest fruits. (veggies, cereal grasses, salads greens, most nuts, seeds, mushrooms are all poison .(except in medicinal doses) These are great nutritional medicines but not optimal foods for the human diet.)
You should juice your veggies (drink only 3 to 4 ounces at a time)
You can make a very rich dressing without oil being isolated from it’s wholeness. like sweet or sour avocado dressing. Macadamia dressing, pine nut dressing or pistachio dressing.
Once you have provided yourself with these types of food you may still have a craving for some of the foods that you have become emotionally attached or addicted to. By continuing this process, you will gradually lose your addiction to these foods and eventually develop a distaste for them. Substances to be avoided at all costs include alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, all grains Canola oil, soy oil and soy products, smoked foods, night shades family e.g. tomatoes, eggplants, cashews, peanuts, (such as barbecue), inorganic foods (if possible), , fried foods, beef, pork, synthetic addictives, drugs.
If you are not ready for a pure fruit diet; just steam some broccoli and cauliflower, summer squash, zucchini.
Anything Fried! – God No!
Fasting Menus
Green Juice Recipe
- 1 handful of spinach, Kale, chard, and sunflower sprouts
- 1 handful parsley
- 1 piece of ginger root
- 2 Celery Stalks or 1 Cucumber
- Juice these items or place them in a blender with 16ozs.of pure water.- Blend and strain. Put juice back in blender, empty 4 caps of the Basic Cleanse/Nutrition kit per serving along with 2ea. Restoration Manna 1 or 2 Probiotic Magnum Force. If you have other herbal formulas in you protocol add them to the same solution.
If you are making this for a very young child, substitute The Basic Cleanse/Nutrition Kit for the Life After Birth.
Salad Dressing
Nut Milks can be use to make sweet or sour dressing.
Fruit Galore: We recommend eating organically grown fruits to your heart’s content
Use caution with citrus fruits.
For more information on nut milks, Candia Lea Cole’s Not Milks. . .Nut Milks! is available.
Our biological mandate requires live fresh fruits only.
Maintaining a exclusive fruit diet would be virtually impossible without our herbal nutrition protocol. This includes The Basic Cleanse/Nutrition Kit, Restoration Manna Probiotic Magnum Force and Hemic/Bio-Viral Zap. The fruits of today are not grown well; they contain very few minerals.